







★ DVDプレーヤーで指定した時間へ飛んで再生するアップルスクリプト

標準でついてる「Go To Time...」だと、時間を入力する際に、1時間14分35秒なら「01:14:35」のように入力しなければならず面倒(「11435」と入力すると「11435秒」と解釈される)。このスクリプトなら「11435」と入力すれば1時間14分35秒に、「845」と入力すれば8分45秒に飛べるのでコロンを入力する手間が省けます。

「スクリプト」形式で保存して、「ホーム/ライブラリ/Application Support/DVD Player Scripts」に入れてください。

tell application "DVD Player"
	set et to elapsed time
	set h to round (et / 3600) rounding down
	set et to et - 3600 * h
	set m to round (et / 60) rounding down
	set s to et - 60 * m
	set t to text returned of (display dialog "Go to time" default answer (h & m & s as string))
	if t as number < 10000 then set t to ("0" & t as string)
	if t as number < 1000 then set t to ("0" & t as string)
	set {h, m, s} to {(character 1 of t), (character 2 of t & character 3 of t), (character 4 of t & character 5 of t)}
	if (h as number) > 0 then set h to (3600 * h)
	if (m as number) > 0 then set m to (60 * m)
	set elapsed time to h + m + (s as number)
end tell

★ CotEditorでソートするアップルスクリプト



1行目 tell application "CotEditor" → tell application "TextEdit"

下から4行目 if line ending of front document 〜の行を削除

tell application "CotEditor"
	set {the_key, the_rev} to {text returned, button returned} of (display dialog "記入例" & return & "1文字目でソート → 1" & return & "セパレーターが/、その後の3文字目 → 3,/" & return & "セパレーターがタブ、その後の1文字目 → 1,\\t" default answer "1" buttons {"キャンセル", "降順", "昇順"} default button 3)
	if the_rev is "昇順" then set the_rev to ""
	if the_rev is "降順" then set the_rev to "-r "
	set the_sep to ""
	if the_key contains "," then
		set the_num to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of the_key & " | sed s/,.*//"
		set the_sep to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of the_key & " | sed s/" & the_num & "," & "//"
	end if
	if the_sep is not "" then
		set the_key to " -t " & quoted form of the_sep & " -k2." & the_num
		set the_key to " -k1." & the_key
	end if
	set cr_to_lf to ""
	if line ending of front document is CR then set cr_to_lf to " | tr '" & (ASCII character 13) & "' '" & (ASCII character 10) & "'"
	set the_contents to text of front document
	set sorted_contents to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of the_contents & cr_to_lf & " | sort " & the_rev & the_key
	set text of front document to sorted_contents
end tell

★ 全角英数字を半角英数字に変換するアップルスクリプト




--set zentext to text returned of (display dialog "全角→半角" default answer "") --テスト用ダイアログ
set zentext to "全角Text 1" --これは例。文字列は任意で。

set zentable to " !?#$¥%&@.,:;()[]{}/\_|^`〜’”+−<=>*0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
set hantable to " !?#$\¥%&@.,:;()[]{}/\\_|^`~'\"+-<=>*0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
set hantext to ""
considering case
	repeat with x in zentext
		set y to 1
		set convtext to x as string
		if convtext is in zentable then
			repeat with x in zentable
				if convtext contains (item y of zentable) then
					set convtext to (item y of hantable) as string
					exit repeat
				end if
				set y to y + 1
			end repeat
		end if
		set hantext to hantext & convtext
	end repeat
end considering
hantext --半角に変換されたテキスト。

★ スクリーンショットに年月日時分秒をつけて保存するアップルスクリプト

do shell script "screencapture ~/Desktop/" & "ScreenShot-" & (do shell script "date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S") & ".png"

★ 拡張子を除いたファイル名を取得するアップルスクリプト

tell application "Finder"
	set PathName to (choose file) --仮に
	set ExtName to name extension of PathName
	set PathName to POSIX path of PathName
	set FileName to (do shell script "basename -s ." & ExtName & " " & quoted form of PathName)
end tell

★ 消えてしまったSpotlightコメントを復活させるアップルスクリプト


tell application "Finder"
	set slct to (selection)
	repeat with x in slct
		set thepath to POSIX path of (x as alias)
		set spcomment to (do shell script "mdls -name kMDItemFinderComment " & quoted form of thepath & "| awk -F\\\" '{print $2}'")
		if spcomment is "" then
			display dialog "コメントなし"
			set comment of x to spcomment
		end if
	end repeat
end tell

★ クリップボードのテキストのスタイルを削除するアップルスクリプト

do shell script "pbpaste | pbcopy"